I followed up with Jeff at Corvair Ranch today about placing an ad. I sent the brochure to him to review. I think he is going to try to place a small ad, but might need some graphic assistance creating it.
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Member of Corvair Society of America - Club #454
South West Ohio's Classic Corvair Club

Public·30 Corvairborne Committee and Volunteers
Corvairborne Committee and Volunteers
- Michael Bayman
- Shawn Funkhouser
- Darcy Baker
- Advertising & Sponsoring Partners (12)
- Air Force Museum - Kevin Clark (2)
- Autocross - Shawn Funkhouser (6)
- Aviation Events - Eva McGuire (3)
- Banquet - VACANT (0)
- BOD Meeting Arrangements - Duane Baker (0)
- Car Display - Jim Schmidt (4)
- Chevy Austrailia - Carl Kelsen (0)
- Concours - Tom Finnegan (2)
- Convention Chairman - Kevin Clark (2)
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On a quarter page ad, I can help with the graphic. If he wants a smaller 1/8 page ad, it would be his business card or I can use some graphic and mostly text. I'll need to know what he want his ad to say.