Here is an updated list of Advertisers (01.09.24). If you have contacted, or plan to contact, or know of any other vendors to add, please reply here and the list will get update.
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Member of Corvair Society of America - Club #454
South West Ohio's Classic Corvair Club

Public·30 Corvairborne Committee and Volunteers
Corvairborne Committee and Volunteers
- Michael Bayman
- Shawn Funkhouser
- Darcy Baker
- Advertising & Sponsoring Partners (12)
- Air Force Museum - Kevin Clark (2)
- Autocross - Shawn Funkhouser (6)
- Aviation Events - Eva McGuire (3)
- Banquet - VACANT (0)
- BOD Meeting Arrangements - Duane Baker (0)
- Car Display - Jim Schmidt (4)
- Chevy Austrailia - Carl Kelsen (0)
- Concours - Tom Finnegan (2)
- Convention Chairman - Kevin Clark (2)
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Contacted Steve Spillatro 2/23/2024