The menu for the AF Museum tour is posted under "File". On page 4 in the Kohler Catering Menu Pricing, I had chosen option #1 under Heavy Hors D'oeuvre as a starting point. My idea is to enjoy your food and drinks while you wander around looking at airplanes throughout the entire museum. Bistro tables were suggested for this type of event.
Please see "2024 Dayton Convention Budget" under "File". If we shave off some expenses, we could upgrade our food choices and use more regular tables, thus getting your moneys worth for your dinner. We found driving in a caravan to the AF Museum would be fun so we decided we should eliminate the rental on tour buses. Finding sponsors also would help save on expenses and keep the suggested registration fee low. We will determine the pricing on ads very soon.
Please note, the food and drinks will be served in one area in hanger #2, not in every hanger originally proposed.