We have great news!!! Forgeline is our major sponsor for the autocross. They agreed to pay for the track rental. Expect to see their logo banner everywhere. Good job Gary and Shawn!!!

Member of Corvair Society of America - Club #454
South West Ohio's Classic Corvair Club

- Advertising & Sponsoring Partners (12)
- Air Force Museum - Kevin Clark (2)
- Autocross - Shawn Funkhouser (6)
- Aviation Events - Eva McGuire (3)
- Banquet - VACANT (0)
- BOD Meeting Arrangements - Duane Baker (0)
- Car Display - Jim Schmidt (4)
- Chevy Austrailia - Carl Kelsen (0)
- Concours - Tom Finnegan (2)
- Convention Chairman - Kevin Clark (2)
I emailed with Brandon Hipp today of the W.O.R SCCA about our Autox track layout options. They have had many autox's at this facility and can provide us with options. He also said that they will usually do a drive -through the day of the event to see if the course needs to change for safety reasons. He would like Kevin and i to attend their March board meeting to discuss this and discuss the contract so our clubs are clear on who does what.
I spoke with Mike Hall. We now have insurance to cover the autocross. The entire cost for track rental and insurance is $1200. He said we are good with the budget. He didn't mention additional fees.
When discussing with Mike on how to include the Impala club to participate with us in autocross, I suggested they use the drag strip. Mike thinks this is a fantastic idea. Can you check with Brandon if the drag strip would be available for the Impala club? Mike is contacting Don Keefe to see if the Impala club would like this.
This would solve our problem. It would avoid alienating the Impala clubs participation with us, and this would make the autocross more exciting to see with both tracks participating on the same day.
Are we coordinating our clubs events to coincide with the Impalas club events? If so the 2 clubs need to get together and discuss the convention schedules because I'm not sure if they have that day open. I'm not entirely sure what all is needed to have a drag event and I'm not sure our SCCA contact would have much information either. There's timing, safety, medical, etc.... I will reach out to Brandon to see if he has any information he can share.
Here is the latest info on the autocross. Our S.C.C.A contact Brandon Hipp has been very helpful and he will be available for a track tour if CORSA would like to when they visit.
"Hi Kevin,
Yes, your date for next year is reserved with the track.
I have a key to the track gates, so if they end up wanting to go over at a later time please let me know. I can help show you guys around, and it's only a few minutes from the Air Force Museum.
Brandon "
Here is the latest communication from our SCCA contact Brandon;
Hi Shawn,
Kilkare has not formally confirmed their 2024 schedule yet, but they have confirmed Thursday 25 July 2024 for your event. Below is a projection of fees for your planning purposes, we can talk more about details when it gets closer (how much you want to charge in addition, if your club wants to cover the SCCA weekend membership cost for your members, etc).
Kilkare site fee: $850 per day
Sanction/insurance: $15.50 per unique registration/competitor
SCCA weekend membership fee: $15 per non scca competitor
In case we cannot enter Kil-Kare Raceway November 10 with representatives from CORSA to review the track, here is a link to view a video taken last summer.
The video does not show the race car from the starting line, a complete lap probably took about 45 seconds. This is a good site for auto-crossing for our convention.
Video Link: https://youtu.be/gxcbfSRT0Os
I can only imagine we will not have the autocross at UD arena. Can you try checking out the Moraine Air Park? I used Google Map to view the air park and it appears there is not enough pavement to hold an autocross but who knows how old that satellite image is.
We just had our Zoom meeting. The autocross is the last thing we need to have confirmation on. Everything in our convention week schedule is depending on it. I recommend we keep looking for a back-up location and keep it on Thursday (7.25.24).
Corvairborne Committee and Volunteers
- Michael Bayman
- Shawn Funkhouser
- Darcy Baker
- Advertising & Sponsoring Partners (12)
- Air Force Museum - Kevin Clark (2)
- Autocross - Shawn Funkhouser (6)
- Aviation Events - Eva McGuire (3)
- Banquet - VACANT (0)
- BOD Meeting Arrangements - Duane Baker (0)
- Car Display - Jim Schmidt (4)
- Chevy Austrailia - Carl Kelsen (0)
- Concours - Tom Finnegan (2)
- Convention Chairman - Kevin Clark (2)
Kevin, Susan and myself attended this board meeting last night. We have a tentative track layout that we think makes sense. There are a few questions we need answered from CORSA about classes, car number, driver etc, but good progress being made here.