Member of Corvair Society of America - Club #454
South West Ohio's Classic Corvair Club
Bylaws of the Dayton Corvair Club
First Edition
Adopted April 1, 1978
Revised February 1, 1991
Revised July 1, 2002
Article I - Name and Purpose
Name -The Name of the organization shall be the Dayton Corvair Club, abbreviated DCC.
A. Encourage interest and aid in the preservation, restoration, and operational enjoyment of the Corvair automobile.
B. Provide a friendly, social environment in which members can expand their knowledge and common interests in the Corvair.
C. Maintain and distribute helpful information on available sources of Corvair vehicles, parts, materials and services.
D. Conduct regular meetings and activities covering a broad range of interests related to the Corvair.
3. Restrictions -The Dayton Corvair Club shall be non-profit, non-political and nonpartisan.
4. Affiliations - The Dayton Corvair Club shall be maintained as a chartered chapter of the Corvair Society of America, CORSA.
Article II- Membership and Dues
Membership - Yearly membership shall include single membership or member, spouse, and all dependents under age 16 residing in the same household. All family members age 16 and over shall have full voting privileges and may be elected to fill any office of the organization.
Dues - Annual membership dues shall be from January to December and payable by the first day of January of each year. A new membership will be pro-rated on the basis of one-twelfth the annual dues per calendar month remaining. The membership chairperson, who will provide the newsletter editor with a list of members in default, will maintain an up-to-date membership list. If there is a list, it will be included in the January Dayton Corvair Chronicle. Dues amount shall be set and voted on by the membership, as needed.
Membership Suspension - If a member's dues are not received by the last day of February of that dues year, that member shall be dropped from the Dayton Corvair Club.
Membership Reinstatement - A member suspended for non-payment of dues shall be readmitted upon receipt of dues.
An honorary membership may be approved, by a quorum, at any scheduled membership meeting. This honorary membership shall be valid for the current Club year. With a proper motion and second, honorary memberships may be approved individually or grouped together and approved as one at the December membership meeting. All honorary members age 16 and over shall have full voting privileges and may be elected to fill any office of the organization. The Club will waive the cost for honorary memberships.
Article III - Officers and Board of Directors
Board of Directors - The policy making body of the Dayton Corvair Club shall be the Board of Directors, consisting of the officers identified in paragraph 2 below.
Officers - Dayton Corvair Club shall have the following officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Activities Chairperson and Membership Chairperson. Co-positions may exist for these positions following proper nomination and election procedures.
Tenure - Any member of the Board of Directors shall serve for an indefinite number of terms based on quorum vote of the membership.
Term - A term of office shall be 2 years.
Article IV - Elections
Nominations - In the year of elections, no later than September 30, the President shall appoint a nominating committee of at least three people to draw up a proposed slate of officers for the next year. This committee shall include the Vice-President and no more than one other officer. The nominating committee shall select nominees for all posts.
Elections - Election of officers shall take place at the December meeting of the Dayton Corvair Club and new officers will begin duties on January first.
Vacancies - Any vacancy on the Board of Directors shall be filled by appointment of the President, subject to approval by a majority of the members present at the membership meeting following announcement in the newsletter of the selection of the appointee.
Article V Duties
President - The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and of the Board of Directors. The President shall be a member ex-officio of all committees except the nominating committee and shall perform all other duties usually pertaining to the office.
Vice-President -The Vice-President shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President. The Vice-President shall be in charge of programs at the meetings. A technical advisor may be appointed to assist him. The Vice-President shall serve as chairman of the nominating committee and be in charge of revising and updating the Club Bylaws as needed.
Secretary - The Secretary shall keep an accurate account of Club meetings and Board of Directors meetings. Minutes of the membership meetings shall be published in the newsletter and minutes of the Board of Directors meetings shall be distributed to the Board. The Secretary shall handle all Dayton Corvair Club correspondence, after review by the Board of Directors and any interested member.
Treasurer - The Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all monies received and expenditures made on behalf of the Dayton Corvair Club. A balance sheet report shall be provided monthly. A yearly Treasure's report shall be provided at the January membership meeting.
Activities Chairperson - The Activities Chairperson shall be in charge of all outside activities such as shows, rallies and family outings. Volunteers shall assist the Activities Chairperson.
Membership Chairperson - The Membership Chairperson shall be in charge of maintaining an up to date membership roster and be in charge of notifying members when they owe membership dues and also maintain a supply of Club membership applications and a file of member information.
Article VI - Meetings and Activities
Meetings - The Dayton Corvair Club shall hold a minimum of eleven scheduled monthly meetings each year. The December meeting shall include officer election for the following year. Board meetings shall be held at least twice a year and at the direction of the President, as needed.
Activities - The Dayton Corvair Club shall conduct a minimum of four scheduled activities each year.
Quorum - A quorum shall consist of a majority of those members present at a scheduled membership meeting.
Article VII Newsletter
The Dayton Corvair Club newsletter shall be named the Dayton Corvair Chronicle.
The Dayton Corvair Chronicle shall be published monthly.
An editor shall be appointed and be responsible for publication of the newsletter.
Article VIII - Amendments
Amendments of these Bylaws may be made at any regular membership meeting by a vote of 2/3 of the members present.
Prior to the meeting, all members shall be given prior written notice in one issue of the Chronicle of any amendment to be voted upon.
Article IX - Committees and Appointees
Committees - Special committees shall be appointed, as needed, by the President. The committees shall serve until the project is completed.
Appointees - The President may appoint one or more members as the Newsletter Editor and Technical Coordinator. Appointees must be approved by a quorum at a scheduled membership meeting.